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NBA Players Hold Hands: No Big Deal, or 'Bro Code' Violation?

NBA Players Hold Hands: No Big Deal, or 'Bro Code' Violation?

SodaHead Living April 26, 2011

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Gay high school kids rule prime-time TV, but apparently, it's still not OK for guys to hold hands.

Especially when they're NBA players.

A 10-second NBA replay showing Toronto Raptors guard Leandro Barbosa holding his teammate Reggie Evans' hand on their way to the locker room earlier this month forced YouTube to disable the (offensive) comments, the "Today" show reports.

evans hand locker room forced youtube disable offensive comments reports

So is the reaction to the NBA clip proof that homophobia is still alive and well?

"I didn't personally have a problem with the gesture on the (hand-holding) video," Cyrus Webb, a 35-year-old radio show host and blogger from Brandon, Miss., told the "Today" show. "But I can understand why some who are sensitive about what is seen to be a manly or masculine event would see it as something that wasn't cool."

According to a study released last fall by Bath University in England, "same-sex lip-locks among straight men are the norm in British universities and high schools."

But in the United States, affection between straight men is mostly limited to handshakes, back pats or at most, a "bro hug." (Barbosa happens to be Brazilian.)

Do you have an issue with the NBA clip? Or is about time for the "bro code" to be updated?

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  • NM just now
  • AJ Apr. 29 (edited)
    No big deal


    I'm not a homophobe, but I personally think it looks a little awkward. However, I don't care who holds who's hand. I can't see why this is even an issue.
  • 'Bro Code' violation

    cutter's falls

    "bro code" ? I been male all my life, wtf is a "bro code"?

    Gay high school kids rule prime-time TV

    Maybe Dark Shadows was to spooky eh

  • d i s t a n t m e l o d y Apr. 27 (edited)
    'Bro Code' violation

    d i s t a n t  m e l o d y
    Holding hands for me is a romantic gesture. I don't think people should be holding hands unless they are romantically involved.

    I don't know who they are and if they are confirmed homosexuals but I suspect they are. Number 20's body language in the way he grabbed the other guy's hand look like he was into the other guy. It looks romantic. Doesn't look like a friend's only type of affection.
  • Charles Apr. 27
    'Bro Code' violation

    I checked that because there isn't enough here to explain what was happening, did they just snap at the exact moment to make it look like this, were they just slapping hands and the picture looks like they were holding hands? Is there a reason they were casually doing this activity? I wouldn't hold another dudes hand in this fashion unless there was a reason. i don't think it was a Gay episode either. Just a moment in time which looks different.
  • Malyssa... Charles Apr. 27

    Malyssa Roze

    First 'Bro code violation' response I actually agree with that makes sense.....
  • No big deal

    Ooooh! They're holding hands!!!!! Big WHOOP! Does it really matter? So what?
  • No big deal

    TAZ-manian Devil-
    I really don't see a problem. if they want to hold hands as a joke because they know it's rile everyone up or because they genuinely like to hold each others hands (or WHATEVER reason), kudos to them.
    I thought it was kind of funny.
  • Butch Cassidy Apr. 27
    'Bro Code' violation

    Butch Cassidy
  • Kathy Butch C... Apr. 27

    #20 is the girl!
  • Butch C... Kathy Apr. 27

    Butch Cassidy
    they're both the gals
  • Kathy Butch C... May. 4

    LOVE IS IN THE AIR- They need to get a room
    Then they can play with four balls!
  • Torchmanner Apr. 27
    'Bro Code' violation

    There are a lot of gay blacks. Gays have been documented largely as pedophiles for decades. (Cameron, Jay, Young) Most people don't worry much about the gay priests these days.
    Pedophilia was almost unheard of when the gay behavior was illegal.

    When will this deviant behavior end?

    "However, it is still illegal in Holland to produce child pornography and to engage in pedophilia. This may soon change. The newly formed Charity, Freedom and Diversity party advocates reducing the legal age for sex from 16 to 12. Dutch pedophiles are also demanding that child pornography and sex with animals should be legal. Moreover, the party insists that citizens should be allowed to go naked in public."
    "A ban just makes children curious," Ad van den Berg, one of the party's founders, told a Dutch newspaper. "We want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion," he said.

    "We want to get into parliament so we have a voice. Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals," Van den Berg told Reuters.

    Read more: Pedophiles launch
    own political party http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=36...
  • Kathy Torchma... Apr. 27


    #20 is the girl.

  • JadedBarbie
    Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality. I encourage you to educate yourself.

    The Catholic church once attempted to link pedophilia with homosexuality and it turned out that there was no correlation. All of that money spent trying to pin it on "the gays" only to find out there's no connection.

    Pedophilia was "almost unheard of" because the Catholic church was covering it up. Incidentally, when an old man kidnaps a young *GIRL* and rapes her repeatedly and forces her to bear him children, where's the "gay?"

    The biggest misunderstanding many people have is that pedophilia and homosexuality are one and the same. But to say that all homosexuals are pedophiles, or that all pedophiles are homosexual, is like comparing apples to rat poison. "They certainly are two distinct things," says James Hord, a psychologist in Panama City, Fla., who specializes in treating sexually abused children.

    The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children ...
    Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality. I encourage you to educate yourself.

    The Catholic church once attempted to link pedophilia with homosexuality and it turned out that there was no correlation. All of that money spent trying to pin it on "the gays" only to find out there's no connection.

    Pedophilia was "almost unheard of" because the Catholic church was covering it up. Incidentally, when an old man kidnaps a young *GIRL* and rapes her repeatedly and forces her to bear him children, where's the "gay?"

    The biggest misunderstanding many people have is that pedophilia and homosexuality are one and the same. But to say that all homosexuals are pedophiles, or that all pedophiles are homosexual, is like comparing apples to rat poison. "They certainly are two distinct things," says James Hord, a psychologist in Panama City, Fla., who specializes in treating sexually abused children.

    The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.
  • Imperious JadedBa... Apr. 27

    Pedophiles and homosexuals are both sexual deviates. Same sex pedophiles are homosexual. Deviates are deviates. You can't fool mother nature.
  • Kathy Imperious Apr. 27

    That is how a homosexual is born, most times an older peron, abuses a yonger one!
  • Malyssa... Kathy Apr. 27

    Malyssa Roze

    That is a stupid steroetype...Homosexuals are simply born, they are not created. Ask any homosexual, and they will sing like Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way'....Homosexuality can not be made......
  • Imperious Malyssa... Apr. 27


    Homosexuality can not be made, but it's foolish to nurture it.
  • Malyssa... Imperious Apr. 27

    Malyssa Roze

    And that attitude is why i accused you of homophobia in the first place!
  • Imperious Malyssa... Apr. 28


    Nothing wrong with being wary of the funny folk.
  • Malyssa... Imperious Apr. 28

    Malyssa Roze

    Be wary if you choose, everyone is entitled to their opinion....
    Just know that your way of thinking is why people are still oppressed...
    And you are still wrong
  • Imperious Malyssa... Apr. 28


    Oh woe is me, I done been oppressed! You be disrespecting me! Oh woe is me!

    woe oppressed disrespecting woe
  • Malyssa... Imperious Apr. 28

    Malyssa Roze

    Oh wow that is so wrong, but it did make me laugh...
    Either way, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and regardless of what you say, your attitude is still completely negative and ignorant.....
  • Imperious Malyssa... Apr. 28

    Polish that turd. Enjoy.
  • Malyssa... Imperious Apr. 28

    Malyssa Roze

    I guess you can never penetrate the ignorance of some people. I have triend to enlighten you and make you see the error of your judgements, but I guess if a person is ignorant, they'll forever remain that way. For some people ignorance is bliss......
  • Imperious Malyssa... Apr. 28


    So now you want to discriminate against ignorant people? That's not very tolerant. Ignorant people are people too. Don't the ignorant deserve rights? Who makes the judgement that another person is "ignorant?" What is normal? How did you conclude that gay was normal? If it was normal, wouldn't it be called "normal?" Is it normal to promote homosexuality? So many questions. I guess I'll just stay ignorant.

    ** BOOM! ** (the sound of a gay promoter's head exploding)

    ill stay ignorant boom sound gay promoters head exploding
  • Kathy Imperious May. 4 (edited)


    And she isn't a homosexual!
  • Imperious Kathy May. 4


    That's what they all say.
  • Kathy Malyssa... May. 4


    LOVE IS IN THE AIR- They need to get a room
    Then they can play with four balls!
  • Malyssa... Kathy May. 4

    Malyssa Roze

    ignorance at it's worst....smh
  • JadedBa... Kathy Apr. 28


    I would love to have some of whatever it is that you smoke. Because it must be some quality stuff.
  • JadedBa... Imperious Apr. 28


    You still haven't answered how you end up with old men going after little girls. That would make them heterosexual deviates which would make heterosexuality deviates since deviates are deviates.

    Or, more logically, pedophilia, which is a sexual attraction to CHILDREN independent of sexual attraction to peers, could be seen as a separate class.

    And I am not disagreeing with you that homosexuality is outside of the norm. However, so are certain ethnic backgrounds. We treat them as normal human beings, however. Interesting how that works, right? Albinos are genetic abnormalities, too. Hermaphrodites are genetic abnormalities. So while you're sitting here attacking individuals who behave as normal human beings simply because the 'sex of the individuals they love is not like the others' you should keep in mind that there're plenty of genetic abnormalities that, according to you, deserve your scorn.

    A pedophile's behavior isn't really normal. Cisgendered heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgendered hetero/homo/bisexuals all are attracted to their peers depending on their sexual orientation. Pedophiles are not. This is basic science.

    "You can't fool mother nature."
    - Which is why there are over 1500 observed cases in "nature," right?
  • Imperious JadedBa... Apr. 28


    Wikipedia?? Dream on.

    Spin all you want, but normal people don't buy into the perv program. Pervs will always be deviants and deviant will always be nasty. The homo perversion is like a turd. Sugar coating the deviant crap does not make it candy. Can any of you @zzwipe homo promoting freaks explain to me how you can pick up a greasy turd by the clean end? Do your poor embarrassed mothers approve of your gay games? Why are you so interested in promoting deviant practices? Homo promoters are domestic terrorists bent on destroying society by brainwashing the weak minded and liberals into believing that perversions are normal or acceptable. They obviously are sociopathic deviants attempting to destroy the family unit, which is the basis for civilization. Perversion can never be acceptable. You can pick up that greasy turd, paint it and polish it, but it's still just a smelly, rancid TURD.
  • JadedBa... Imperious Apr. 29


    What of this debate there may have been has taken a turn for the childish. And to argue with someone like you would be to bring me down to your level. Have a nice life.
  • Imperious JadedBa... Apr. 29
  • Phoenix Apr. 27
    No big deal


    If they're buddies then whats the problem?
  • Kathy Phoenix Apr. 27


    Watch out for the back side, things try hard to slither on in!
  • JadedBarbie Apr. 27
    No big deal

    My goodness, it's just hand-holding. People need to learn to be secure in their sexuality. If they were secure, they wouldn't be bothered by trivial displays of friendship like hand-holding.

  • sugary.banshee

    so true!

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